
Displaying 3385 - 3392 of 5137 publications

Fife Fire and Rescue Best Value

This is an effective service that now needs to show how it is providing value for money.

Dumfries & Galloway Fire and Rescue

This effective service uses the principles of risk management well and is making progress in developing a culture of continuous improvement.

Tayside Fire and Rescue Best Value

The service has strong culture of continuous improvement, but the board should provide better scrutiny and challenge.

Central Scotland Fire and Rescue

Central Fire & Rescue provides an effective, low cost service but would be better placed to provide Best Value if it had stronger performance arrangement

Shetland Islands Council - Statutory follow-up report 2012

Shetland Islands Council has made good progress in implementing its improvement plan. It now has many of the building blocks needed to provide Best Value.

Overview of the NHS in Scotland's performance 2010/11

The overall performance of the NHS in Scotland was good in 2010/11, but there are significant financial pressures building.

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions

Scotland has made good progress in cutting greenhouse gas emissions.