
Displaying 3593 - 3600 of 5087 publications

Priorities and Risks Framework: A national planning tool for 2010/11 NHS Scotland audits

The Priorities and Risks Framework (PRF) for the NHS identifies the current national priorities and risks in the

Scottish Police Service Authority annual audit

The Scottish Police Services Authority has made improvements to services like criminal justice, training and forensics since its creati

Physical recreation services in local government

Councils need more information about local people who are not using their services so they can ensure maximum benefit and encourage t

National concessionary travel

Scotland's national scheme of free bus travel for older and disabled people is widely used.

The role of boards

The system of accountability for public bodies in Scotland is complex and it is essential to make it clear who is responsible for key decisions, at a time wh

Getting it right for children in residential care

Residential child care services should be managed better to help children and young people achieve their full potential.

How councils work: an improvement series for councillors and officers - Roles and working relationships: are you getting it right?

The report provides checklists, examples and other information to help councils assess their current working practices and identify how they might better equ