
Displaying 3849 - 3856 of 5097 publications

Improving public sector efficiency

Scotland’s public sector is continuing to find more efficient ways of delivering services, and its reported efficiency savings in 2008/09 exceeded the

An overview of local government in Scotland 2009

Councils and services are improving. But the scale of the budget challenge they face means urgent action is needed.

Protecting and improving Scotland's environment

In a wide-ranging report, Protecting and improving Scotland's environment, Audit Scotland looks at progress in improving air quality, the water environ

Tayside Police and Tayside Joint Police Board Best Value

Members of Tayside Joint Police Board need to gain a better understanding of their role before the board will be able to achieve best value.

Accounts Commission Single Equality Scheme 2009 - 2012

The Scheme makes our current position on diversity and equality clear, sets out what we intend to do to achieve our aims, and explains how we will monitor ou

Audit Scotland Single Equality Scheme 2009

The Scheme makes our current position on diversity and equality clear, sets out what we intend to do to achieve our aims, and explains how we will monitor ou