
Displaying 3881 - 3888 of 5097 publications

Working with other countries report 2008/09

A report covering all of Audit Scotland's work with other countries in 2008/09.

Improving the Schools Estate - Impact report

There was extensive media and political interest in this report.

Police Call Management - Impact report

This report received widespread newspaper, radio and television coverage, as well as a lot of political interest, with the Parliament’s Public Audit Committee p

Sustainable waste management - Impact report

The report gained extensive publicity and was quoted extensively at a 'Waste Summit' held by the Scottish Government shortly after publication.

Overview of mental health services

Mental health problems cause considerable poor health in Scotland and much has been done to move services from institutions into the community.

East Dunbartonshire Council: the Audit of Best Value and Community Planning

The Accounts Commission says that council services have improved, there is positive leadership, good working relationships and a ‘can do’ attitude.