
Displaying 3889 - 3896 of 5097 publications

A performance overview of sport in Scotland - Impact report

Audit Scotland’s review found that councils are responsible for around 90 per cent of total expenditure on sport (around £558 million a year).

Improving energy efficiency - Impact report

This report received moderate media coverage and significant political interest.

Managing long-term conditions in Scotland - Impact report

The report received moderate media coverage following release, but its download figures are among the highest for any Audit Scotland report.

Palliative care services in Scotland - Impact report

The report received a high level of media coverage.

Primary care out-of-hours services - Impact report

This report received a very high level of media coverage, and download numbers remained high over a 12-month period, suggesting continuing interest.

The First ScotRail passenger rail franchise - Impact report 2009

The report has received considerable and ongoing media coverage and political interest.

Asset management in local government

Many council buildings are in poor condition and others are unsuitable for the services being delivered from them.