
Displaying 4097 - 4104 of 5087 publications

Overview of the local authority audits 2008

There is evidence of improving services, but councils face significant challenges from the recession and financial pressures, and in making partnership working

South Lanarkshire Council: the audit of Best Value and Community Planning

South Lanarkshire Council performs very well. However it needs to review and amend its arrangements to accord with best practice in openness and transparency.

Audit Scotland corporate plan 2009-12

The Audit Scotland Corporate Plan for 2009-12 sets out our vision and objectives for public audit in Scotland.

The Moray Council: the audit of Best Value and Community Planning Progress Report

The Accounts Commission says that it is encouraged by the progress the council has made towards providing Best Value for local people.

Audit Scotland and NHS QIS Operational Protocol

This operational protocol provides operational guidance on joint working between Audit Scotland and NHS QIS, (Quality Improvement Scotland) specifically in t

Asset management in the NHS

This report examines the way the health service strategically manages its £5 billion worth of land and buildings, vehicles, medical and IT equipment.

Inverclyde Council: the audit of Best Value and Community Planning Progress Report

The Accounts Commission says it is pleased to welcome the significant progress and improvements made by Inverclyde Council as a result of its work to address th