
Displaying 4353 - 4360 of 5087 publications

Overseas staff in the NHS – pre-employment checks

This report looks at whether NHS boards are following their own procedures on pre-employment screening of staff recruited from outside the European Economic Are

Priorities and Risks Framework: A national planning tool for 2007/08 NHSScotland audits

The Priorities and Risks Framework (PRF) for the NHS identifies the current national priorities and risks in the NHS in Scotland.

East Lothian Council: the Audit of Best Value and Community Planning

East Lothian Council is performing just below the Scottish average, and has made limited progress in establishing Best Value.

Health and community care bulletin 2007

The bulletin primarily aims to share information with non-executive health board members and elected members of councils, but it also provides a summary of o

Police call management - An initial review

Scotland’s police receive almost 16,000 calls a day and people are generally satisfied when they call 999 or a non-emergency number.