
Displaying 4601 - 4608 of 5087 publications

Code of Data Matching Practice for Scotland

The Code of data matching practice was issued on 12 July 2006.

Renfrewshire Council: the Audit of Best Value and Community Planning

Renfrewshire Council’s leadership is strong and effective, understands what needs to be done to deliver best value and is making good progress with this.

Accounts Commission Annual Report 2005/06

Information on how the Accounts Commission performed in 2005/06.

Audit Scotland Annual Report 2005/06

How we performed in the last financial year.

National fraud initiative 2006/07 handbook: Scotland

This Handbook is designed to help participating bodies to plan for the National Fraud Initiative in Scotland 2006/07 (NFI 2006/07).

Public sector pension schemes in Scotland

Audit Scotland has today published a report on the six main public sector pension schemes in Scotland.

Community planning: an initial review

Community planning partnerships have made progress but need to do more to show how their work is improving public services.

Health and community care bulletin 2006

This sets out, in a concise form, the national performance audit work we have been doing in the NHS and community care over the past year and the key issues