
Displaying 4897 - 4904 of 5097 publications

A job worth doing: Raising the standard of internal audit in Scottish councils - a follow-up report

The standard of internal audit in Scottish councils has improved since 2001.

Managing housing voids: The impact of low demand properties

This Accounts Commission and Communities Scotland joint report looks at how councils and Registered Social Landlords manage empty and low demand houses.The repo

Management of the Holyrood building project

This follow-up report looks at the overall progress of the Holyrood building project since 2000 (when our first report was published), including why estimated c

Scottish Enterprise: Account management services to high-growth businesses

This report says that Scottish Enterprise needs to do more to show that it is achieving value for money in providing some £40 million of support to businesses w

Commissioning community care services for older people

This report looks at the way in which councils plan, purchase and review their older people's services.

Local economic forums: a follow-up report

This follow-up report says Local Economic Forums (LEFs) have made good progress towards their goal of eliminating overlap and duplication in the support provide

Corporate plan: 2004-07

We have published our three-year corporate plan for 2004/07. This sets out our priorities for the coming years.

Day surgery in Scotland - reviewing progress 2004

In 2002/03, across Scotland as a whole, only seven of the 19 procedures looked at by Audit Scotland reached the national target levels for increasing the num