
Displaying 5025 - 5032 of 5097 publications

Commissioning community care services for older people - Applying a Best Value framework

This handbook provides a framework for local authorities - based on the Accounts Commission's Best Value performance management and planning audit - to help the

The new Scottish Parliament building - an examination of the management of the Holyrood project

The report concerns the management of the project to provide the new Scottish Parliament building at Holyrood.

Performance management and planning Corporate and Service Level Audit

The Accounts Commission and Audit Scotland have developed a detailed audit approach to assess and support each council's progress in developing its PMP framewor

Dumfries and Galloway Council externalisation of residential homes for older people SR 2000/05

Dumfries and Galloway Council followed proper tendering processes for transferring the running of its residential homes for older people to the private sector,

Common data, common sense - Modernising information management in councils

Councils need to improve the way they manage data and information.

Comments on Inverclyde Council's formal response to statutory report 2000/2

The Controller of Audit comments on Inverclyde Council's formal response to statutory report 2000/02.

Managing rent arrears - Getting the balance right

The study finds that the £44 million rent arrears bill in Scotland could be reduced by as much as £8 million if councils and Registered Social Landlords (

The Agricultural Business Improvement Scheme

Robert Black, the Auditor General for Scotland has reported to the Parliament on the Agricultural Business Improvement Scheme (ABIS).