
Displaying 697 - 704 of 5097 publications

No room for complacency in public audit

The auditing profession is trying to build back the trust and confidence of users of their services, including investors, funders and most notably, the gener

Fraud and irregularity 2021/22

A summary of the cases of fraud and other irregularities at public bodies reported by external auditors for the financial year 2021/22.

Scotland's colleges 2022

Scotland's colleges responded well to Covid-19, but changes are needed to ensure they are financially sustainable in the long term and more students grad

Best Value Assurance Report: Angus Council

Angus Council serves its communities well, has made impressive improvements to services in recent years and benefits from effective leadership and a clear vi

Corporate plan 2022/23 update

This update to our Corporate plan for 2018-21 sets out our priorities for the year ahead.

Integration Joint Boards: Financial analysis 2020/21

Funding of Integration Joint Boards (IJBs) in 2020/21 increased by nearly 10 per cent in real terms, bringing total funding to £10.6 billion.