Scotland's colleges 2016


Our report on Scotland's colleges 2016 was published in August 2016. This interactive graphic illustrates income and expenditure sources for colleges, how the student population is made up, and attainment and retention levels.

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About the data

The financial data comes from college accounts and is presented in real terms.

Student data comes from the Scottish Funding Council Infact database and uses student headcount.

The first exhibit uses the surplus or deficit figure reported in the accounts, and shows the main sources of income and expenditure. The college sector reported a combined deficit of £28 million in 2014/15. After making a series of adjustments, shown in the second exhibit, we calculated an underlying deficit of £3 million, compared to an underlying surplus of £15 million in 2013/14.

The student population exhibits (3 and 4) show how the gender and age make-up varies by college and subject, and the impact that the fall in part time places has had on specific groups.

The attainment exhibits (5 and 6) show how attainment varies by region, subject and factors such as age, gender and deprivation, as well as how attainment and retention have changed over the last few years. In these graphs attainment is calculated using the number of students successfully completing their course as a percentage of the total number of students. Retention is the number of students completing their course, either successfully or partially, as a percentage of the total number of students.

How to use our graphics

All the graphics are interactive:

  • Hovering over the map and graphs will give you more detailed information.
  • Exhibit 1 can be filtered by clicking on a year in the top graph or a college on the right hand side.
  • Exhibit 2 can be filtered by year and adjustment type on the right hand side.
  • Exhibit 3 can be filtered by college, subject, gender and age by clicking on the graphs.
  • Exhibit 4 can be filtered by full or part time, gender and age by clicking on the graphs, and by college on the right hand side.
  • Exhibit 5 can be filtered by region, subject or student factor (age, gender etc) by clicking on the graphs or maps. To see all students, make sure ‘All’ is selected on the top graph.
  • Exhibit 6 - add or remove colleges from the graph by selecting or deselecting on the right hand side. Look at further education, higher education or both using the filter on the right.
  • To clear selections click on any white space in the graph you used as a filter.
  • To access the data behind the graphics, click on the graph you're interested in, then click 'Download' at the bottom of the graphics and select the format.