Publication: Briefing: Tackling child poverty

by Auditor General, Accounts Commission

Longer-term joint planning is needed to address child poverty in Scotland, which has increased since targets were set in 2017.

The Scottish Government's policies and spending remain more focused on helping children out of poverty rather than long-term measures to prevent it. Over a quarter of children in Scotland - 260,000 - were living in poverty before the Covid-19 pandemic. And the current cost-of-living crisis risks making the situation worse.

Briefing paper
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Key facts from our briefing

A transcript of this video is available with other files on this page.


Articles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child identified by the Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland as being most relevant to child poverty
Exhibit 1
The level of relative child poverty has been increasing overall since 2011
Exhibit 2
The Child Poverty (Scotland) Act 2017 set out four indicators to measure child poverty
Exhibit 3
The Child Poverty (Scotland) Act 2017 set out four indicators to measure child poverty
Exhibit 3b
The Child Poverty (Scotland) Act 2017 set out four indicators to measure child poverty
Exhibit 3c
The Child Poverty (Scotland) Act 2017 set out four indicators to measure child poverty
Exhibit 3d
The Scottish Government increased the scale of its support for tackling child poverty in its second delivery plan
Exhibit 4