
Displaying 105 - 112 of 632 publications

NHS Shetland annual audit report 2019/20

Annual audit plan and final annual audit report for April 2019 - March 2020

NHS Tayside annual audit report 2019/20

Annual audit plan, interim audit report and final audit report for April 2019 - March 2020

The 2019/20 audit of NHS Tayside

NHS Tayside has improved its financial management and service performance, but risks related to its high running costs remain.

Covid-19: Financial impact

Public spending must adapt to Covid-19

Scottish Ambulance Service annual audit report 2019/20

Annual audit plan and final annual audit report for April 2019 - March 2020

The 2018/19 audit of NHS Lothian: Delay to the opening of the Royal Hospital for Children and Young People

Key questions around the delay to the opening of the Royal Hospital for Children and Young People remain unanswered, says the public spending watchdog.

Healthcare Improvement Scotland annual audit report 2018/19

Annual audit plan and final audit report for April 2018 - March 2019

NHS Health Scotland annual audit report 2018/19

Annual audit plan and final audit report for April 2018 - March 2019