
Displaying 225 - 232 of 2101 publications

Why Best Value matters, now more than ever

We’re reminded daily of the pressures and spending constraints facing local councils – increasing demand for services, a real-terms reduction in funding, com

Radical action needed on data

Scotland is facing enormous challenges.

Best Value Assurance Report: Comhairle nan Eilean Siar

Councillors at Comhairle nan Eilean Siar must provide leadership and clear priorities if the organisation is to improve public services and address significa

Scotland's councils' approach to addressing climate change

Councils have a critical role in helping Scotland achieve its national climate change goals, in particular reducing CO2 emissions and adapting and transformi

Best Value Assurance Report: Shetland Islands Council

Shetland Islands' leaders need to increase their pace and focus to deliver urgent change.

South Lanarkshire Integration Joint Board annual audit 2020/21

Annual audit plan and final audit report for 2020/21 

The National Fraud Initiative in Scotland 2022

The overall level of identified public sector fraud and error in Scotland has fallen slightly, according to the results of a national counter-fraud exercise.