
Displaying 473 - 480 of 2089 publications

Covid-19: Financial impact

Public spending must adapt to Covid-19

Queen's and Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer annual audit 2019/20

Annual audit plan and final audit report for April 2019 - March 2020

What are the Auditor General for Scotland's powers?

The powers of the Auditor General are considerable and are intended to support the democratic scrutiny of how well public money has been spent.  For me,

Highlands and Islands Enterprise: Management of Cairngorm mountain and funicular railway

The public body responsible for Cairngorm Mountain acted appropriately when selecting a private company to manage the resort, but tough decisions on its future…

The 2018/19 audit of City of Glasgow College

This report outlines the nature of an alleged fraud that was perpetrated against City of Glasgow College and the action which has taken place following its d

Affordable housing

This report is about the Scottish Government's target to deliver 50,000 affordable homes by March 2021.