
Displaying 601 - 608 of 632 publications

Overview of the National Health Service in Scotland 2001/02

The number of NHS trusts facing deficits dropped in the last financial year, according to the annual overview report on the NHS by the Auditor General for Scotl

Planning ward nursing - legacy or design?

Over £1 billion is spent on nurses in Scotland each year.

Review of the management of waiting lists in Scotland

Aspects of the management of NHS waiting lists need to be improved, according to this report by the Auditor General.

Organ retention validation review

All NHS trusts in Scotland have systems in place for identifying organs retained following post mortems and for dealing efficiently with relatives' enquiries.

Overview of the National Health Service in Scotland 2000/2001

The overview of the National Health Service in Scotland for the financial year 2000/01 highlights the continuing financial pressures facing Scotland's NHS trust

Improving the management of supplies in the NHS in Scotland

Supplies cover a wide range of goods such as uniforms, surgical gloves and infusion devices, and services as diverse as catering and radiography.

Mind the gap - Management information for outpatient services

Poor information gathering may be preventing outpatients getting a better deal from the health service in Scotland.

Public audit in Scotland - July 2001

The strategic statement has two purposes: To provide an opportunity for the Auditor General to outline his suggestions for the direction and priorities for publ