
Displaying 2081 - 2088 of 2112 publications

Managing hospital admissions and discharges

Over 30 recommendations to streamline the admission of emergency patients and to ensure that patients do not stay in hospital longer than they need to are made

Better by the day - Day surgery in Scotland Update

This report looks into the use of day surgery in acute trusts in Scotland.

Planning for success - A review of the audit of Management Arrangements in Scottish councils in 1997

In 1997, the Commission introduced a new approach to the audit of management arrangements based on self assessment, action planning and continuous improvement.

Doing the rounds - The use of locums in Scottish hospitals

Locums help hospitals to cope with temporary staff shortages and unexpected peaks in workload, but they are unlikely to be as effective as permanent staff becau

The measures of success - Developing a balanced scorecard to measure performance

Measuring the performance of local authorities has always been a difficult and contentious area but with continuing pressures for accountability and best value

Emergency repairs to council houses

Emergency repairs are an important part of the housing service of local authorities, but they are costly and disruptive.

The challenge of charging

This bulletin is the first publication from the study into charging for council services.