
Displaying 129 - 136 of 428 publications

Scotland's public sector workforce

Current approaches to managing staff numbers and costs in the public sector are unlikely to achieve the savings needed in the future.

Police reform

The creation of a single Scottish police service was one of the biggest reforms in Scotland's public sector since devolution.

NHS financial performance 2012/13

The NHS in Scotland needs to focus more on long-term financial planning and sustainability to make the changes needed to meet increasing demands.

Renewable energy

The Scottish Government has a clear strategy for renewable energy that links with other policy areas, and it has made steady progress so far.

Scotland's colleges 2013

The finances of Scotland's colleges continue to be generally sound.

Housing in Scotland

The Scottish Government’s vision to provide an affordable home for all by 2020 is an ambitious one.

Developing financial reporting in Scotland

The Scottish Government will need to make sure its financial reporting is more comprehensive and transparent as it prepares for new tax and borrowing powers.