
Displaying 2153 - 2160 of 5135 publications

Equal pay review 2016

The results of our gender pay and equal pay reviews from 1 April 2015 to 31 March 2016.

Scotland's NHS workforce

Audit Scotland has pulled together published statistics on Scotland's NHS workforce in a new data briefing.

The 2015/16 audit of the Scottish Police Authority

The Scottish Police Authority and Police Scotland continue to suffer from weak financial leadership and considerable budget pressures, the Auditor General ha

East Dunbartonshire Council Best Value audit report

East Dunbartonshire Council has made some improvements but needs to do a lot more to meet the challenges it faces, says the Accounts Commission.

Falkirk Council: Best Value audit report

Falkirk Council has been slow in grasping the nettle of tackling major challenges ahead, says the Accounts Commission.

Local government in Scotland: Financial overview 2015/16

Councils have managed their finances well but significant challenges lie ahead, says the Accounts Commission.

How councils work - Roles and working relationships in councils: are you still getting it right?

The Accounts Commission has published an update to its report on roles and working relationships in councils aimed at supporting councillors and officers.

Borrowing and treasury management in councils - Impact report

This report outlines the impact made by the Accounts Commission's report 'Borrowing and treasury management in councils', which was published in…