
Displaying 233 - 240 of 428 publications

Financial overview of Scotland's colleges 2006/07

Scotland’s colleges are in a healthier financial state overall, and financial performance has improved in the past five years.

Improving the schools estate

The Scottish Government and councils now need to draw up detailed plans to make sure that all the remaining schools are fit for 21st century education.

Overview of the local authority audits 2007

The Accounts Commission recognises the improvement achieved by local government in Scotland.

A review of free personal and nursing care

Free personal and nursing care needs to be better planned, managed and funded for it to continue to benefit older people in the future.

Overview of Scotland's health and NHS performance 2006/07

The performance of the NHS is improving against key targets and boards are managing their finances better.

Priorities and Risks Framework - 2007/08 National Audit Planning Tool for Local Government

The Priorities and Risks Framework (PRF) is a tool for auditors to use when planning the audits of local government bodies in Scotland.

Overseas staff in the NHS – pre-employment checks

This report looks at whether NHS boards are following their own procedures on pre-employment screening of staff recruited from outside the European Economic Are

Priorities and Risks Framework: A national planning tool for 2007/08 NHSScotland audits

The Priorities and Risks Framework (PRF) for the NHS identifies the current national priorities and risks in the NHS in Scotland.