Publication: Sustainable transport
by Auditor General, Accounts Commission
In 2020, the Scottish Government set an ambitious but very challenging target to reduce car kilometres driven by 20 per cent by 2030
This data output allows you to get more local information about efforts to reduce car use and to illustrate some of the challenges in achieving the target.
It normally takes longer to reach services by public transport than by car, especially in rural areas
This map shows you the travel time to GP, post office or retail centre by car or by public transport at a datazone level. Enter your postcode or town name to see the journey times by car and public transport to key services in your area. The darker the colour the longer the journey time.
Travel times in the SIMD 2020 are based on 2018 data. Public Transport journey times were calculated as an average of four journeys on a Tuesday. The journey times shown in the map may be different to those experienced in reality due to averaging within the SIMD and changes to locations or public transport timetables. More information on how the travel times were calculated is in the SIMD technical note.
Car use has rebounded since the Covid-19 pandemic. It is unlikely that the Scottish Government will achieve its target of reducing car kilometres driven by 20 per cent by 2030
The graph shows road traffic data for cars and taxis on major and minor roads in Scotland between 1995 and 2023, and the level of traffic needed to meet the 20 per cent target.
Scotland annual car kilometres, 1995 to 2023

Source: Road Traffic Statistics, Department for Transport
The Department for Transport releases this information in miles travelled. This information has been converted into kilometres travelled to align with the Scottish Government’s reporting approach.
All councils in Scotland have seen an increase in car kilometres driven
This graph shows the traffic at a council level since 1995, you can select the council you are interested in on the left-hand side.
The routemap does not expect every area in Scotland to reduce car kilometres travelled by 20 per cent by 2030, nor does it expect every individual to reduce their personal mileage by the same amount.
Local authority car kilometres, 1995 to 2023

Source: Road Traffic Statistics, Department for Transport
These figures are from the Department for Transport (DfT) and published annually. The graph above provides road traffic data for cars and taxis on all roads, including trunk roads, across all council areas between 1995 and 2023. The DfT reports miles travelled and so we have converted them to kilometres to match the Scottish Government’s commitment. The DfT uses a variety of methods to estimate traffic levels. Estimates for small areas or individual road links are less robust than its national statistics as they are not always based on up-to-date counts.
Large cities have proportionately more households with no cars, while rural council areas have proportionately more multiple car households
The graph shows car ownership by council, you can use the key to compare different levels of car ownership.
Household car ownership by local authority, 2023

Source: Transport and Travel in Scotland 2023
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