

Media contacts

Local government
Joanna Mansell
0131 625 1652

Health and central government
Patrick McFall
0131 625 1663

For general media enquiries, contact the communications team at The press office is open from 9am till 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Accounts Commission welcomes improvements at Shetland Islands Council but still has concerns

Shetland Islands Council has made good progress in implementing its improvement plan. It now has many of the building blocks…

NHS financial performance was good but there are significant challenges ahead

The overall performance of the National Health Service (NHS) in Scotland was good in 2010/11, but there are significant financial…

Meeting climate change targets could cost Scotland £10 billion

Scotland has made good progress in cutting its greenhouse gas emissions, with a fall of more than a quarter since 1990. However,…

Lothian and Borders Police and Police Board perform well and have sound basis for future development

Lothian & Borders Police force and the Lothian & Borders Police board have an effective working relationship and work…

Comhairle nan Eilean Siar (Western Isles Council) provides good services but needs to make better progress in implementing Best Value

In a report published today, the Accounts Commission says while Comhairle nan Eilean Siar has put some of the basic building…

Strong leadership and clear vision driving improvements at Stirling Council

Stirling Council has strong leadership with a clear vision, and has made good progress in improving the performance of its…

Local partnerships have a key role in improving local economies

Community planning partnerships need to build on their economic development activity to help meet local needs. Partnerships…