
Displaying 225 - 232 of 632 publications

The State Hospitals Board for Scotland annual audit 2015/16

Annual audit report for April 2015 - March 2016

Changing models of health and social care

A lack of national leadership and clear planning is preventing the wider change urgently needed if Scotland’s health and social care services are to ad

Health and social care integration

Significant risks must be addressed if a major reform of health and social care is to fundamentally change how services are delivered, and improve outcomes f

NHS in Scotland 2015

Fundamental changes and new ways of delivering healthcare are required now to ensure the NHS is able to continue providing high-quality services in the futur

The 2014/15 audit of NHS Tayside: Financial management

The Auditor General for Scotland, Caroline Gardner, has issued reports to the Scottish Parliament on matters raised in the audits of the 2014/15 accounts for

The 2014/15 audit of NHS 24: Update on management of an IT contract

The Auditor General for Scotland, Caroline Gardner, has issued reports to the Scottish Parliament on matters raised in the audits of the 2014/15 accounts for

The 2014/15 audit of NHS Highland: Update on 2013/14 financial management issues

The Auditor General for Scotland, Caroline Gardner, has issued reports to the Scottish Parliament on matters raised in the audits of the 2014/15 accounts for