
Displaying 745 - 752 of 2101 publications

Zetland Transport Partnership annual audit report 2017/18

Annual audit plan and final audit report for April 2017 - March 2018

2016/17 audit of Dundee City Council: Report on a significant fraud

A £1 million fraud perpetrated at Dundee City Council from 2009-2016 was the result of failures in fundamental controls within the council’s fina

Falkirk Council Best Value follow-up audit 2017

Falkirk Council has responded encouragingly to previous concerns but needs effective leadership to deliver its five-year improvement programme, says the…

Best Value Assurance Report: Clackmannanshire Council

Clackmannanshire Council must take urgent and decisive action to sort out its financial problems, says the Accounts Commission.

Best Value Assurance Report: Orkney Islands Council

Orkney Islands Council has made significant progress in recent years and needs to build on this for the future, says the Accounts Commission.

Local government in Scotland: Financial overview 2016/17

Councils are showing increasing signs of financial stress and face even tougher challenges ahead, says the Accounts Commission.

Best Value Assurance Report: West Lothian Council

West Lothian Council has maintained its strong performance but councillors need to play a more active role in the face of a £73.5m funding gap, says th

East Dunbartonshire Council Best Value follow-up audit 2017

East Dunbartonshire Council has responded positively to previous concerns but needs to maintain momentum, says the Accounts Commission.