
Displaying 1289 - 1296 of 5097 publications

Privately financed infrastructure investment: The Non-Profit Distributing (NPD) and hub models

A £3.3 billion investment programme in Scotland's infrastructure has enabled more public buildings and new roads to be built.

Best Value Assurance Report: Highland Council

Highland Council must make significant savings and change the way it delivers services to ensure it can live within its financial means.

Student loans

This paper provides an overview of student loans in Scotland.

Scotland's City Region and Growth Deals

City deals have been positive for Scotland's economy, but the government does not have a plan to measure their overall long-term success, say public spen

Housing Benefit Performance audit: annual update 2019

Audit Scotland's benefits performance audit work for 2019.

Audit Scotland Communications and Engagement Strategy 2020-23

This strategy sets out how we communicate our audit work and engage with our stakeholders.

Scottish Ambulance Service annual audit report 2019/20

Annual audit plan and final annual audit report for April 2019 - March 2020

Ayrshire College annual audit 2018/19

Annual audit plan and final audit report for 2018/19