
Displaying 2089 - 2096 of 5027 publications

Audit Scotland annual report and accounts 2015/16

Our annual report and accounts for year ending 31 March 2016. 

Carbon Scrutiny Board annual report 2015/16

This reports sets out our 2015/16 carbon emissions and associated costs with comparisons against our previous plan.

Equalities update 2015/16

The progress we have made in achieving our equalities outcomes and in mainstreaming equalities.

Transparency and quality annual report 2015/16

The overall structure and governance of Audit Scotland, and the arrangements in place for producing high quality work by Audit Scotland and appointed firms.<

Corporate plan 2016/17 update

The 2016/17 update to Audit Scotland's Corporate plan for 2015-18 highlights how we are respo

Accounts Commission annual report 2015/16

The Accounts Commission has published its annual report for 2015/16.

Accounts Commission Engagement strategy and engagement plan 2016/17

The Accounts Commission has published its strategy for engaging with its stakeholders.  

Accounts Commission Strategy and annual action plan 2016-21

The Accounts Commission has published its strategic priorities for the next five years.