
Displaying 2297 - 2304 of 5027 publications

West of Scotland European Forum annual audit 2015/16

Annual audit report for April 2015 - March 2016

Zetland Transport Partnership annual audit 2015/16

Annual audit report for April 2015 - March 2016

The 2014/15 audit of Edinburgh College

The Auditor General has reported to the Scottish Parliament on matters raised during the annual audits of three bodies in the college sector.  

The 2014/15 audit of Glasgow Clyde College

The Auditor General has reported to the Scottish Parliament on matters raised during the annual audits of three bodies in the college sector.  

The 2014/15 audit of Glasgow Colleges' Regional Board

The Auditor General has reported to the Scottish Parliament on matters raised during the annual audits of three bodies in the college sector.  

An overview of local government in Scotland 2016

Budget reductions mean starker choices ahead for councils which will not be met simply by continuing to cut staff and services, says a new report.

Changing models of health and social care

A lack of national leadership and clear planning is preventing the wider change urgently needed if Scotland’s health and social care services are to ad

Community planning: an update

Progress on community planning has not yet achieved the major change needed to fulfil its potential to reduce inequalities and put communities at the heart o