

Media contacts

Local government
Joanna Mansell
0131 625 1652

Health and central government
Patrick McFall
0131 625 1663

For general media enquiries, contact the communications team at The press office is open from 9am till 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Progress at NHS Tayside but risks remain

NHS Tayside has improved its financial management and service performance, but risks related to its high running costs remain.…

Estimated £15m of Carer's Allowance benefit overpaid

An estimated £14.8m of a carer's benefit is thought to have been overpaid in Scotland due to error and fraud, a report…

The City of Edinburgh Council can do more to fulfil its potential and further improve the lives of citizens

The City of Edinburgh Council report cover and map of Scotland

The City of Edinburgh Council can do more to fulfil its potential and further improve the lives of citizens. Over the last four…

Audit Scotland director in UK’s top 100 most influential disabled people

Audit Scotland Associate Director Elaine Boyd has been named as one of Britain’s most influential disabled people in the…

Aberdeenshire Council needs clearer vision to address underlying weaknesses

Aberdeenshire Council needs clearer vision to address underlying weaknesses.

Aberdeenshire Council continues to deliver many services to a good standard but needs to be clearer about what it wants to…

Extension of public audit appointments and the Code of Audit Practice

Covid-19 has resulted in significant disruption for public bodies and to auditors of the public sector. Due to this, the Auditor…

A decade of improvement at Dundee City Council, but progress needs to quicken to tackle deep social issues

Dundee City Council Best Value Audit Report

Over the last ten years Dundee City Council has improved many services for residents and played a major part in the ambitious…