

Media contacts

Local government
Joanna Mansell
0131 625 1652

Health and central government
Patrick McFall
0131 625 1663

For general media enquiries, contact the communications team at The press office is open from 9am till 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Agreement urgently needed on police authority's functions

Scottish Police Authority

Greater clarity is needed around the core functions and finances of the Scottish Police Authority (SPA) so that it can build a…

NHS Highland urgently needs to redesign services

NHS Highland

NHS Highland must focus on making significant and long-term changes in order to deal with its complex and ongoing problems. In a…

NHS Tayside continues to face significant financial and operational challenges

NHS Tayside

NHS Tayside has begun to show improvements in financial management and governance, but the board still faces substantial long-…

Scottish Borders Council can do more to be fit for the future

Best Value Assurance Report: Scottish Borders Council

Scottish Borders Council has made steady progress as it continues to transform the way it delivers services. Working with other…

NHS is 'running hot' and needs to refocus priorities

NHS in Scotland 2019

Scotland's NHS needs to refocus its priorities to speed up health and social care integration and system wide reform, says…

Value of government loans declines significantly

Scottish Government Consolidated Accounts

The Scottish Government has substantially reduced the value of £140 million-worth of loans and guarantees to private…

Growing the primary care workforce a significant challenge

NHS workforce planning - part 2

The Scottish Government is facing a significant challenge to increase the number of people working in GP surgeries, says the…