
Displaying 1 - 8 of 24 publications

Scotland's colleges 2024

Scotland’s colleges need more clarity from ministers on what parts of their role to prioritise, as the sector’s financial challenges mount.  

Local government budgets 2024/25

Challenges ahead for Scotland's councils to balance the books

National Strategy for Economic Transformation

The Scottish Government’s 10-year economic strategy currently lacks collective political leadership and clear targets.

The Scottish Government's workforce challenges

The Scottish Government needs to act quickly to deliver services differently.

Investing in Scotland's infrastructure

The Scottish Government no longer expects to have enough money to deliver all its planned £26 billion investment in public sector infrastructure.

Scotland's colleges 2023

Scotland’s colleges are vital to learners and local communities.

Integration Joint Boards: Financial analysis 2021/22

Scotland’s Integration Joint Boards (IJBs) face considerable financial challenges and immense pressures on their workforce.

Briefing: Scotland's public finances: Challenges and risks

Faster reform of Scotland’s public sector is needed to protect services in the long term and improve people’s lives.