
Displaying 1 - 8 of 433 publications

Transformation in councils

Now reform is increasingly urgent – councils have never faced such acute challenges, putting budgets and workforce under severe stretch and strain.

Tackling digital exclusion

Clearer leadership and focus needed to tackle digital exclusionAs more key services move online, all public bodies must deliver

The National Fraud Initiative in Scotland 2024

A data matching exercise detected £21.5 million worth of fraud and payment errors across the Scottish public sector.

Integration Joint Boards' Finance and performance 2024

Integration Joint Boards' Finance and performance 2024

Delivering for the future - why leadership matters

Our Best Value audit work allows the Accounts Commission to provide a Scotland-wide overview of key aspects of Best Value.

NHS in Scotland 2023

The Scottish Government needs to develop a clear national strategy for health and social care to address the pressures on services.

Decarbonising heat in homes

The Scottish Government will not be able to phase out fossil-fuel home heating systems by 2045 unless it significantly increases the scale and pace of activi

Local government in Scotland: Financial bulletin 2022/23

Financial pressures push councils to make hard decisions about service cuts