
Displaying 1 - 8 of 5114 publications

NHS in Scotland 2024: Finance and performance

The Scottish Government needs a delivery plan that clearly explains to the public how it will reform the NHS and address the pressures on services.

Climate change annual report 2023/24

Our progress towards our organisational environmental targets and developing our approach to auditing climate change.

Fife Council annual audit 2022/23

Annual audit plan, Best Value thematic work and final audit report for 2022/23

Inverclyde Council annual audit 2022/23

Annual audit plan and final audit report for 2022/23

Inverclyde Integration Joint Board annual audit 2022/23

Annual audit plan and final audit report for 2022/23

Orkney Integration Joint Board annual audit 2022/23

Annual audit plan and final audit report for 2022/23

Audit Quality Framework 2024

This Audit Quality Framework describes Audit Scotland's approach to achieving high quality public audit by all auditors and providers