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Controller of Audit report: East Renfrewshire Council
With high performing services, excellent engagement with local communities and strong relationships with key partners, East Renfrewshire Council is an exempl
Fife Council annual audit 2023/24
Annual audit plan and final audit report for 2023/24
Orkney Islands Council annual audit 2022/23
Annual audit plan, Best Value thematic work and final audit report for 2022/23
Sustainable transport
In 2020 the Scottish Government set an ambitious but very challenging target to reduce car kilometres driven by 20 per cent by 2030.
Local government in Scotland: Financial bulletin 2023/24
Scotland’s councils continue to face severe financial pressures.
Argyll and Bute Council annual audit 2023/24
Annual audit plan, Best Value thematic report and final audit report for 2023/24
Scottish Borders Integration Joint Board annual audit 2023/24
Annual audit plan and final audit report for 2023/24